Our season runs March - September. Monday, Thursday, and Saturday are our official weekly club ride days. Click a day to expand ride options. We highly suggest joining our Facebook group as weekly updates about our rides are posted there.


  • Open - Check our Facebook page to see unscheduled member organized group rides.



    Start your week off with a nice, relaxed ride from Elite Cycling at Mission Farms in Leawood. We’ll head south down Mission/Tomahawk Creek/Roe and turn left/east on 143rd. We’ll then cross over Mission and pick up the South Loop which is the first left/north after the school. We’ll stay on the South Loop as it makes its way through the neighborhoods all the way back to College where we’ll make a left/west. We’ll then turn right/north on Mission and back to Elite. The round trip is 15 miles. There is plenty of parking at the start so feel free to ride or drive over. The ride starts promptly at 6:30pm. Please download the route if planning on attending. The average high speed will be 15mph and our sweeps will average 12mph. This is a great ride for racers looking to do a recovery ride, riders looking to gently build fitness and riders looking to become more familiar with group ride etiquette and safety.

    • Time 6:30pm - NA (based on route)
    • Location (Parking Lot Available)


  • Open - Check our Facebook page to see unscheduled member organized group rides.

  • Non-BRBC Sponsored: Talk of the Town Ride. This is a great ride for all abilities with different courses and lengths. This is a seasonal group ride and more details can be found here.

    • Time 6:30pm - NA (based on route)
    • Location (Parking Lot Available)


  • Open - Check our Facebook page to see unscheduled member organized group rides.



    Head into the weekend with our Thursday night club ride. This is a swift ride averaging 20+ mph at a total of 20 miles. Sometimes the group hangs out for a few beverages after!

    • Time 6:30pm - 7:30pm (ride start time will move to 6:00pm once it begins getting darker earlier)
    • Location - See Facebook Each Week


  • Open - Check our Facebook page to see unscheduled member organized group rides.



    Start your Saturday right with a coffee ride from Elite Cycling at Mission Farms in Leawood. We roll north up Lee and Belinder through Mission Hills and Brookside to Axios Cafe for some coffee and pastries. This is an up and back ride and while everyone is invited, it is geared toward advanced riders who enjoy a brisk pace, rolling hills and an all-out sprint to the espresso line. The round trip is approximately 17 miles. Plenty of parking at the start so feel free to ride or drive over. The ride starts promptly at 7:15am. Please download the route if planning on attending.

(Parking Lot Available)


    The Saturday Club Ride! There are many safe options to reduce the route if crunched for time or want to go at an easier pace. This is a drop ride with regroup locations throughout the ride. Be prepared to tackle 40 challenging miles at an average pace often exceeding 20mph. The route has a section of tough climbs and multiple stretches of rolling hills. Wind is often a factor too. The ride starts promptly at 9:00am. Please download the route if planning on attending.

(Parking Lot Available)


    Pace = 16 to 18 MPH. The ride leaders will work to carry the load with riders building fitness taking advantage of the draft. It is not expected that everyone takes turns on the front, but it is expected that all riders maintain the pace of the group. There will be opportunities to allow for riders to catch back on if the tempo picks up, but the ride will not slow down for riders unable to pace with the group so it is imperative you download the route. There will be a mid-ride stop at The Bean Cafe in Spring Hill for riders to take a bio break, enjoy a coffee, and a snack. If the cafe is busy, there will be an option for the group to split at The Bean so there is no obligation to stay if needing to get back by a certain time. Anticipated time at The Bean 25 mins.

(Parking Lot Available) * Download Route


We’re excited to see you push the pedals, but make sure you’re prepared. If you’re joining us for the first time, there are a few things we want to remind you of considering safety is our number one priority.

  • Helmet - We require them on all of our rides.

  • Bike Lights - Sunlight changes throughout the season, so make sure you’re prepared with a front and rear light.

  • Time - All rides start at the designated times above unless otherwise noted on our Facebook page.

  • Weather - Unfortunately this may affect the ride schedule based on conditions. Our Facebook page will have up-to-date information if the weather takes a turn for the worse.

  • Speak Up - We’re a vocal bunch. If you see sticks, pot-holes, or any other dangers, let your fellow riders know!



The short answer, everyone! The Blue River Bicycle Club has regular group rides for members to get together and do what we love - ride bikes! These rides are an excellent opportunity to socialize and improve fitness while learning essential bike handling skills.

Although most scheduled rides are based on road cycling, members often meet up for gravel, cyclocross, and mountain expeditions - utilizing our Facebook page to organize fun activities. Many of our members continue to ride past the season end date as well.

To maintain club operations, BRBC has a modest annual membership fee, however we do not impose it on those wishing to try a ride out.

All we ask is if you come out, have fun, and enjoy our rides, consider becoming a member to gain all the perks! Find out more information on our membership program here.
